
Top 10 Advices to Control Unconscious Bias for Successful Recruitment

July 6, 2021

Research shows that most recruitment processes aren-t impartial. In my experience, generally it is due to unconscious biases that hiring managers and recruiters have and all humans are affected by their own defined judgements. When a hiring is biased that means the company is not maximizing on selecting the best candidates for their positions and company culture, because decisions making is compromised by preconceived notions. Luckily, there are ways to reduce recruitment biases. Here are my top 10 suggestions:

1.Implement Unconscious Bias Training for raising awareness to recognize that everyone possesses them and to learn mitigating their own.

2.De-bias the process by reviewing and standardizing the steps of your recruitment practice.

3.Use tools that reduce gender wording in job descriptions and advertisements.

4.Implement software solution to remove certain applicants- data in there CVs - gender, age, race, nationality, name, etc.

5.Do not rely only on CVs and social media profiles. Get additional candidate information by more objective artificial intelligence and machine learning technology.

6.Structure traditional and competency-based interviews carefully to tests all applicants in the same way against the same requirements.

7.Select trained interviewers with diverse background to reduce impact of individual views.

8.Add a verified psychometric assessment to validate personality traits.

.Bring outside perspective by asking an agency who is expert in selecting candidates while eliminating blind spots.

10. Assess yourself and recognize your biased opinions.Nobody can escape from unconscious bias, but with mindful effort, using correct processes and suited tools companies can significantly diminish its undesirable effects.

Please comment and do not hesitate to contact us if you are interested in more details.

Posted by

Neil Kelly

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